Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Nocturnal Birds Spotlight Survey, Southwest Slopes, NSW, Australia, 1999-2011
Abstract: This nocturnal birds survey data package comprises spotlight surveys conducted every two years, between 1999 and 2011, along 200 metre fixed transects at each site for 20 minutes per site. Animal species and abundance are recorded. Distances along and adjacent to a transect are also recorded. If animals are up on a tree, tree species and animal height (distance from the ground to the animal) are also recorded. Nocturnal birds are also detected by the calls during spotlighting.
The principle objective of the Nanangroe study is to directly quantify changes in woodland vertebrate assemblages and their relationships with habitat variables when the surrounding landscape matrix is converted from a semi-cleared grazing landscape to a landscape dominated by an exotic softwood plantation
The study area is located in the Southwest Slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), as well as private properties adjacent those plantations. Repeated sampling of the vegetation structure and cover and selected vertebrate groups on all sites from 1998 has created a long term dataset.
A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Nanangroe Plantation Forest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
Sampling method: Refer to Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2,
Study extent: No limitations or missing units in temporal coverage outlined.
Project funding: Between 2012 and 2018 this project was part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN). This work was supported by the Australian Government’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network ( – an Australian research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund–Super Science Initiative through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Nocturnal Birds Spotlight Survey, Southwest Slopes, NSW, Australia, 1999-2011
Alternate Title
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Nocturnal Birds Spotlighting, 1999-2011
Collection Type
Access Privileges
Long Term Ecological Research Network
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
Metadata Language
Data Language
Brief Description
This nocturnal birds survey data package comprises spotlight surveys conducted every two years, between 1999 and 2011, along 200 metre fixed transects at each site for 20 minutes per site.
A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Nanangroe Plantation Forest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
Full Description
Abstract: This nocturnal birds survey data package comprises spotlight surveys conducted every two years, between 1999 and 2011, along 200 metre fixed transects at each site for 20 minutes per site. Animal species and abundance are recorded. Distances along and adjacent to a transect are also recorded. If animals are up on a tree, tree species and animal height (distance from the ground to the animal) are also recorded. Nocturnal birds are also detected by the calls during spotlighting.
The principle objective of the Nanangroe study is to directly quantify changes in woodland vertebrate assemblages and their relationships with habitat variables when the surrounding landscape matrix is converted from a semi-cleared grazing landscape to a landscape dominated by an exotic softwood plantation
The study area is located in the Southwest Slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), as well as private properties adjacent those plantations. Repeated sampling of the vegetation structure and cover and selected vertebrate groups on all sites from 1998 has created a long term dataset.
A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Nanangroe Plantation Forest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
Sampling method: Refer to Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2,
Study extent: No limitations or missing units in temporal coverage outlined.
Project funding: Between 2012 and 2018 this project was part of the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN). This work was supported by the Australian Government’s Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network ( – an Australian research infrastructure facility established under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and Education Infrastructure Fund–Super Science Initiative through the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.
Plot set-up
ArcGIS, GPS, Tape measure, Steel star picket posts, reflective tape, cattle ear tags: a star picket has been placed from 0 m to 200 m along a transect with 50 m intervals.
Initially all patches of remnant native vegetation on areas designated for pine plantation were characterised. Fifty remnants were randomly selected with stratification, such as vegetation type, patch size, established year of surrounding pine trees. Fifty-six remnants on adjacent farmstopine plantations were selected to match those 50 remnants, to make sure that remnants from two groups were as similar as possible. Ten sites in cleared paddocks around the woodland remnants on the grazing properties and 10 sites in areas dominated by newly planted radiate pine trees were established as ‘‘landscape matrix’’ sites. Those sites were established in 1998, but a few sites were scrapped due to non-accessibility or vast invasion of weed. To make up for those abandoned sites, additional sites were established within a few years since the first establishment.
For more details, please refer to Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2, pp. 157-169.
For more details, please refer to Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2, pp. 157-169.
Spotlighting Surveys
Spotlight, binoculars.
Spotlighting is conducted sporadically, but in recent years the aim has been to achieve a survey every two years. These are conducted along 200 m fixed transects at each site for 20 minutes per site. Animals are detected by getting a reflection of the eye shine with the spotlight. Nocturnal birds are also detected by the calls and estimate distances along and adjacent to a transect.
Datasheet, clipboard and pencil.
Animal species name and abundance are recorded along with time they are found and distances along and adjacent to a transect, are also recorded. If animals are up on a tree, tree species and animal height (distance from the ground to the animal) are also recorded.
File Descriptions
along_distance |
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comments |
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height |
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number of records | 1283 | ||||||
off_distance |
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site_code |
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species |
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sum_of_abundance |
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survey_year |
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tree_species |
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visit_code |
cloud |
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comments |
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night_light |
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number of records | 1276 | ||||||||||||
site_code |
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start_time |
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survey_date |
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survey_year |
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temperature |
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visit_code |
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wind |
along_distance |
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comments |
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height |
| ||||||
number of records | 532 | ||||||
off_distance |
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site_code |
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species |
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sum_of_abundance |
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survey_year |
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tree_species |
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visit_code |
cloud |
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comments |
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night_light |
| ||||||||||||
number of records | 525 | ||||||||||||
site_code |
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start_time |
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survey_date |
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survey_year |
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temperature |
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visit_code |
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wind |
Contact Email
Contact Address
Fenner School of Environment & Society
ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment
Frank Fenner Building 141
Linnaeus Way
Contact Phone Number
+61 2 612 50654;
+61 427 770 593
Contact Fax Number
+61 2 6125 0746
Principal Investigator
David Lindenmayer
David Lindenmayer
Fields of Research
0501 - Ecological Applications;
0602 - Ecology;
0608 - Zoology
GCMD:Biological Classification > Animals/Vertebrates > Birds;
LTERN Monitoring Theme:Birds;
LTERN Monitoring Theme:Grazing domestic livestock;
LTERN Monitoring Theme:Fragmentation;
keyword:Nocturnal birds;
Nanangroe Plantation;
Nocturnal Birds Spotlighting
Type of Research Activity
Strategic basic research
Date Coverage
Geospatial Location
Nanangroe Plantation, Southwest Slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), Australia
northlimit = -34.912979; southlimit = -35.069528; westlimit = 148.313807; eastLimit = 148.534563
Date of data creation
Year of data publication
Creator(s) for Citation
Publisher for Citation
Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN), ANU Data Commons, The Australian National University
Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2,
A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data.
Related Websites
ANU Open Research. Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN) collection.
Other Related Identifiers
Access Rights
Data collected prior to 2012 is available via mediated access only.
Co-authorship with the data provider (Professor David Lindenmayer) of any publication of research utilising this data is an expected outcome.
The data provider also requests consultation, including a summary of the proposed research and intended use, before publication of research utilising this data is possible.
Access Rights Type
Rights held in and over the data
AusGoal Restrictive Licence - This licence has been developed specifically for material that may contain personal or other confidential information. It may also be used for other reasons, including material to be licenced under some form of limiting or restrictive condition.
Licence Type
AusGoalRestrictive - AusGoal Restrictive Licence
LTERN Deed: 48
Date of execution: 2017-07-10
Retention Period
Data Management Plan
Status: Published
Published to:
Published to:
- Australian National University
- Australian National Data Service
Related items
- hasAssociationWith:
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network data packages, 1997-2018 [anudc:5551] - hasAssociationWith:
Professor David Lindenmayer [anudc:5580] - hasAssociationWith:
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network: Nocturnal Birds Spotlight Survey, Southwest Slopes, NSW, Australia, 2012-2017 [anudc:5810]