Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network data packages, 1997-2018

The principle objective of the Nanangroe study is to directly quantify changes in woodland vertebrate assemblages and their relationships with habitat variables when the surrounding landscape matrix is converted from a semi-cleared grazing landscape to a landscape dominated by an exotic softwood plantation (Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2, p. 160). The study area is located in the Southwest Slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), as well as private properties adjacent those plantations. Repeated sampling of the vegetation structure and cover and selected vertebrate groups on all sites from 1998 has created a long term dataset. Established: 1997 Key research questions: - What are the relationships between vegetation condition and biodiversity? - How does management intervention (e.g. plantation establishment) influence the response of biodiversity? Surveys - Frogs, reptiles, mammals and birds are surveyed every two years. - Vegetation plots are measured approximately every five years.
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network data packages, 1997-2018
Brief Title
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network, 1997-2018
Alternate Title
Nanangroe Plantation Plot Network, Gundagai, New South Wales data packages, 1997-2018
Collection Type
Access Privileges
Long Term Ecological Research Network
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
Metadata Language
Data Language
Brief Description
The principle objective of the Nanangroe study is to directly quantify changes in woodland vertebrate assemblages and their relationships with habitat variables when the surrounding landscape matrix is converted from a semi-cleared grazing landscape to a landscape dominated by an exotic softwood plantation.
Full Description
The principle objective of the Nanangroe study is to directly quantify changes in woodland vertebrate assemblages and their relationships with habitat variables when the surrounding landscape matrix is converted from a semi-cleared grazing landscape to a landscape dominated by an exotic softwood plantation (Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2, p. 160). The study area is located in the Southwest Slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), as well as private properties adjacent those plantations. Repeated sampling of the vegetation structure and cover and selected vertebrate groups on all sites from 1998 has created a long term dataset. Established: 1997 Key research questions: - What are the relationships between vegetation condition and biodiversity? - How does management intervention (e.g. plantation establishment) influence the response of biodiversity? Surveys - Frogs, reptiles, mammals and birds are surveyed every two years. - Vegetation plots are measured approximately every five years.
Contact Email;
Contact Address
Fenner School of Environment & Society ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment Frank Fenner Building 141 Linnaeus Way CANBERRA, ACT, 0200 Australia
Contact Phone Number
+61 2 6125 0654
Contact Fax Number
+61 2 6125 0746
Principal Investigator
David Lindenmayer
David Lindenmayer
Mason Crane; Sachiko Okada
Fields of Research
0501 - Ecological Applications
Type of Research Activity
Strategic basic research
Date Coverage
Geospatial Location
Nanangroe Plantation, Southwest Slopes of NSW west of Lake Burrinjuck and includes four exotic Pine Plantations (Nanangroe, Cotway, East Bungongo and Bungongo), Australia
northlimit = -34.942003; southlimit = -35.057807; westlimit = 148.413437; eastLimit = 148.523614
Date of data creation
Year of data publication
Creator(s) for Citation
Publisher for Citation
Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN), ANU Data Commons, The Australian National University
Lindenmayer, DB, Cunningham, RB, MacGregor, C, Tribolet, C & Donnelly, CF 2001, ‘A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data’, Biological Conservation, vol 101 no 2, p. 160,
A prospective longitudinal study of landscape matrix effects on fauna in woodland remnants: experimental design and baseline data.
Related Websites
ANU Open Research. Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN) collection.
Access Rights
All project data (i.e. data collected from 2012 onwards) is published open access. All spatial data and all background data (i.e. data collected prior to 2012) is to be published with mediated access. Co-authorship with the data provider (Professor David Lindenmayer) of any publication of research utilising this data is an expected outcome. The data provider also requests consultation, including a summary of the proposed research and intended use, before publication of research utilising this data is possible.
Access Rights Type
Rights held in and over the data
Creative Commons Licence (CC BY- Attribution) is assigned to this data. Details of the licence can be found at
Licence Type
CC-BY - Attribution (Version 4)
Retention Period
Data Management Plan
Status: Published
Published to:
  • Australian National University
  • Australian National Data Service
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