Professor David Lindenmayer
Professor David Lindenmayer is a landscape ecologist and conservation biologist with his areas of expertise including forest ecology and management; habitat fragmentation; applied wildlife and conservation management; landscape ecology and natural resource management; the ecology and conservation of arboreal marsupials; integrated wildlife management and timber production; the effectiveness of wildlife corridors and areas of retained vegetation for the conservation of forest dependent fauna; endangered species conservation and management; population viability analysis (PVA) and extinction risk assessment; fire effects on vertebrates; the effectiveness of landscape restoration for biodiversity and woodland conservation and restoration.
Party Type
Access Privileges
Long Term Ecological Research Network
Given Name
Alternate Given Name
David Bruce
NLA Identifier
Brief Description
Professor David Lindenmayer, BSc, DipEd, PhD, DSc, FAA, AO, is a landscape ecologist and conservation biologist working in the Fenner School of Environment and Society at The Australia National University.
Full Description
Professor David Lindenmayer is a landscape ecologist and conservation biologist with his areas of expertise including forest ecology and management; habitat fragmentation; applied wildlife and conservation management; landscape ecology and natural resource management; the ecology and conservation of arboreal marsupials; integrated wildlife management and timber production; the effectiveness of wildlife corridors and areas of retained vegetation for the conservation of forest dependent fauna; endangered species conservation and management; population viability analysis (PVA) and extinction risk assessment; fire effects on vertebrates; the effectiveness of landscape restoration for biodiversity and woodland conservation and restoration.
Email Address
Postal Address
Fenner School of Environment & Society
ANU College of Medicine, Biology & Environment
Frank Fenner Building 141
Linnaeus Way
Phone Number
+61 2 612 50654;
+61 0427 770 593
Fax Number
+61 2 6125 0746
Website Address;
Fields of Research
0501 - Ecological Applications
Status: Published
Published to:
Published to:
- Australian National University
- Australian National Data Service
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