Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network (Victorian Central Highlands Monitoring Project): Tree Fern Growth Study, Victoria, Australia, 2014

We measured 5 years of growth of 335 Cyathea australis and Dicksonia antarctica after a large wildfire in 2009 in south-eastern Australia. The ferns were in 4 separate geographic locations (Wallaby Creek, Marysville, Toolangi and O’Shannassy) and sites within each area had different environmental variables, which were measured (slope, aspect, elevation). Tree ferns had overall height measured using a tape measure and the new post-fire growth measured using calipers. The tree ferns were measured to determine average growth rates of the two species and which of the environmental variables were important for fern growth. We found growth rates of these two species were largely unaffected by static environmental variables or geographic location. However, growth rates were significantly related to initial height at the time of the fire; a finding consistent in both species and all geographic location. These data underpinned the conclusions and analysis in the paper "Non-linear growth in tree ferns, Dicksonia antarctica and Cyathea australis" by David P. Blair, Wade Blanchard, Sam C. Banks, David B. Lindenmayer published in PLOS ONE, Sampling method: Sites were selected in areas where high severity fire had occurred and sufficient tree ferns were present. This was taken from fire maps, EVC maps and local knowledge. Study extent: Vegetation sampling done between February and April. Project funding: Australian Research Council; Victorian Dept of Environment, Land, Water and Planning; Parks Victoria; Long Term Ecological Research Network within the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network between 2012 and 2018.
Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network (Victorian Central Highlands Monitoring Project): Tree Fern Growth Study, Victoria, Australia, 2014
Alternate Title
Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network: Fern Growth Study Victorian Central Highlands Monitoring Project, 2014
Collection Type
Access Privileges
Long Term Ecological Research Network
Metadata Language
Data Language
Brief Description
These data underpinned the conclusions and analysis in the paper "Non-linear growth in tree ferns, Dicksonia antarctica and Cyathea australis" by David P. Blair, Wade Blanchard, Sam C. Banks, David B. Lindenmayer published in PLOS ONE,
Full Description
We measured 5 years of growth of 335 Cyathea australis and Dicksonia antarctica after a large wildfire in 2009 in south-eastern Australia. The ferns were in 4 separate geographic locations (Wallaby Creek, Marysville, Toolangi and O’Shannassy) and sites within each area had different environmental variables, which were measured (slope, aspect, elevation). Tree ferns had overall height measured using a tape measure and the new post-fire growth measured using calipers. The tree ferns were measured to determine average growth rates of the two species and which of the environmental variables were important for fern growth. We found growth rates of these two species were largely unaffected by static environmental variables or geographic location. However, growth rates were significantly related to initial height at the time of the fire; a finding consistent in both species and all geographic location. These data underpinned the conclusions and analysis in the paper "Non-linear growth in tree ferns, Dicksonia antarctica and Cyathea australis" by David P. Blair, Wade Blanchard, Sam C. Banks, David B. Lindenmayer published in PLOS ONE, Sampling method: Sites were selected in areas where high severity fire had occurred and sufficient tree ferns were present. This was taken from fire maps, EVC maps and local knowledge. Study extent: Vegetation sampling done between February and April. Project funding: Australian Research Council; Victorian Dept of Environment, Land, Water and Planning; Parks Victoria; Long Term Ecological Research Network within the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network between 2012 and 2018.
Sites identified in four geographic locations
Sites were not marked other than with GPS
Sites had to have been burnt at high severity in 2009, must contain a minimum of 10 tree ferns of one of the two species, preferably with a range of heights. Ferns must be alive. Each site had centroid and 25m radius that does not intercept a road.
Data collection
Tape measure, callipers.
If present, 10 tree ferns of each species were identified and their overall height measured as well as the new post-fire growth. Overall height with tape measure, new growth with callipers.
Documentation of data
Computer, database
Data is entered into spreadsheet and database from field sheets
File Descriptions
definitionEast component of aspect based on sine of aspect angle (continuous value from -1 to +1) from neighbourhood geometry of the 20 m DEM
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitdimensionless
date time formatDD/MM/YYYY
date time precision0
definitionSurvey date
descriptionTree Fern Growth 2014
Fire severity
definitionSeverity of fire affecting tree ferns
labelFire severity
ordinal enumeration codes
1crown scorch
2crown burn
3moderate crown scorch
4light or no crown scorch, understorey burnt
5no crown scorch, no understorey burnt
Forest type
definitionForest type within which tree ferns are located
labelForest type
nominal enumeration codes
Mixed sppMixed species
Mountain AshMountain Ash
Geographic region
definitionGeographic region of tree ferns
labelGeographic region
nominal enumeration codes
Wallaby CreekWallaby Creek
New growth (mm)
definitionNew growth of tree ferns in millimetres.
labelNew growth (mm)
ratio number typenatural
ratio standard unitmillimeter
number of records343
Original height (m)
definitionOriginal height of tree ferns in metres.
labelOriginal height (m)
ratio number typenatural
ratio standard unitmeter
Overall height (m)
definitionOverall height of tree ferns in metres.
labelOverall height (m)
ratio number typenatural
ratio standard unitmeter
definitionSite of tree ferns
nominal enumeration codes
Blowhard Road at site 277Blowhard Road at site 277
Chum Ck Rd, 3km downChum Ck Rd, 3km down
Chum Ck Rd, 5km downChum Ck Rd, 5km down
Klondyke Rd / Mt Klondyke Rd intersectionKlondyke Rd / Mt Klondyke Rd intersection
Lady Talbot Dve at Dicksons TkLady Talbot Dve at Dicksons Tk
Marysville - WP opp site 5Marysville - WP opp site 5
Nolans RdNolans Rd
Paradise Plains / Rd 8 intersectionParadise Plains / Rd 8 intersection
Paradise Plains Rd, 1.8km below Keppel LookoutParadise Plains Rd, 1.8km below Keppel Lookout
Rd 14, 0.2km E of Rd 2 at the creekRd 14, 0.2km E of Rd 2 at the creek
Rd 3 / Rd 14 intersectionRd 3 / Rd 14 intersection
Rd 3, 0.5km W of Rd 15Rd 3, 0.5km W of Rd 15
Rd 3, 0.7km S of Rd 12Rd 3, 0.7km S of Rd 12
Rd 3, 1km from Rd 10Rd 3, 1km from Rd 10
Rd 3, 200m from Rd 10Rd 3, 200m from Rd 10
Rd 9 / Rd 7 intersectionRd 9 / Rd 7 intersection
Rd 9 at 512Rd 9 at 512
Rd 9, 1k E from Rd 7Rd 9, 1k E from Rd 7
Rd 9, bw gate and Rd 7Rd 9, bw gate and Rd 7
Sarlight Flats Tk, 0.3k from BlowharSarlight Flats Tk, 0.3k from Blowhar
Site 805Site 805
Tommys Bend, top of Yellowdog RdTommys Bend, top of Yellowdog Rd
Yellowdog picnic areaYellowdog picnic area
Yellowdog, 1.5k up from picnic areaYellowdog, 1.5k up from picnic area
Yellowdog, above OlsensYellowdog, above Olsens
definitionSlope based on neighbourhood geometry of the 20 m DEM.
interval number typereal
interval standard unitdegree
definitionNames of tree fern species
nominal enumeration codes
CaCyathea australis
DaDicksonia antarctic
descriptionSpatial data for regions
definitionElevation meters above sea level (1:100k map)
ratio number typeinteger
ratio standard unitmeter
definitionGeographic region of tree ferns
nominal text definitioncharacter
definitionEast component of aspect based on sine of aspect angle (continuous value from -1 to +1) from neighbourhood geometry of the 20 m DEM
ratio number typewhole
ratio standard unitdegree
definitionNorth component of aspect based on cosine of aspect angle (continuous value from -1 to +1) from neighbourhood geometry of the 20 m DEM
ratio number typenatural
ratio standard unitdegree
definitionLatitude WGS84 decimal degrees
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitdegree
definitionLongitude WGS84 decimal degrees
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitdegree
number of records25
definitionSite of tree ferns
nominal text definitioncharacter
descriptionSummary detailing the number of ferns measured at each site, its aspect and altitude. Summary of slope details. Summary of average growth by species.
Contact Email;
Contact Address
Fenner School of Environment and Society Healesville, Vic., 3777 Australia
Contact Phone Number
+61 439 660 996; +61 2 612 50654; +61 427 770 593
Contact Fax Number
+61 2 6125 0746
Principal Investigator
David Lindenmayer
David Lindenmayer
David Blair; Elke Dawson
Fields of Research
0602 - Ecology; 0607 - Plant Biology
GCMD:Earth science. Biosphere. Vegetation. Plant characteristics.; LTERN Monitoring Theme:Vegetation structure; LTERN Monitoring Theme:Individual plants; LTERN Monitoring Theme:Fire; keyword:Tree ferns, Dicksonia antarctica, Cyathea australis, growth rates; Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest; Victorian Central Highlands Monitoring Project; Fern Growth Study
Type of Research Activity
Strategic basic research
Date Coverage
Geospatial Location
Victorian Central Highlands, Wallaby Creek, Toolangi, Marysville, O’Shannassy water catchment, Victoria, Australia
northlimit = -37.875; southlimit = -37.875; westlimit = 145.5; eastLimit = 146.125
Date of data creation
Year of data publication
Creator(s) for Citation
Publisher for Citation
Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN), ANU Data Commons, The Australian National University
Blair DP, Blanchard W, Banks SC, Lindenmayer DB (2017) Non-linear growth in tree ferns, Dicksonia antarctica and Cyathea australis. PLoS ONE 12(5),
Non-linear growth in tree ferns, Dicksonia antarctica and Cyathea australis.
Related Websites
ANU Open Research. Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN) collection.
Other Related Identifiers
MorphoId:ltern4.42; PackageId:826
Access Rights
Access and use subject to negotiation upon request to data provider. Prior to publication of research utilising this data, the data provider (David Blair) requests consultation. Spatial data has been mediated to protect potentially threatened species. Access may be granted through contact with David Blair.
Access Rights Type
Rights held in and over the data
AusGoal Restrictive Licence - This licence has been developed specifically for material that may contain personal or other confidential information. It may also be used for other reasons, including material to be licenced under some form of limiting or restrictive condition
Licence Type
AusGoalRestrictive - AusGoal Restrictive Licence
LTERN Deed: 44 Restrictions: Mediated access
Retention Period
Data Management Plan
Status: Published
Published to:
  • Australian National University
  • Australian National Data Service
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