Connell Rainforest Plot Network: Annual Variation in Flowering and Fruiting in Eight Species, Davies Creek Plot, Dinden National Park, Queensland, Australia, 1995–2003

Abstract: This data package shows annual variation in flowering and fruiting between 1995 and 2003 for eight species of trees. These demonstrate that there is considerable variation in flowering and fruiting across both species and time. These data are used to produce the graphs found in figures 5.19 on page 142. This plot consists of one 1.7 hectare plot in tropical rainforest, established in 1963. Rainforest tree attributes recorded comprise the size (height or girth) of tagged and mapped, free-standing stems of shrub and tree species. Sampling has been undertaken at intervals of 1-6 years since 1963, and this data package describes longitudinal variation in seedling recruitment over almost four decades. This data package forms part of the collection of vegetation data undertaken at plots situated in both Lamington National Park and Davies Creek initiated by Professor Joseph H. Connell (University of California, Santa Barbara) in 1963. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Connell Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at Sampling method: The Dinden National Park Plot is a 1.7 hectare plot. The plot was selected by Prof. Joseph H. Connell in 1963 on the advice of his CSIRO collaborators Dr Len Webb and Mr Geoff Tracey, and was chosen for three reasons; it was accessible, it was unlogged, and a smaller 0.4 ha plot belonging to the Queensland Department of Forestry had already been established there in 1951. This plot is one of two plots established by Connell in 1963 – the other is in subtropical rainforest near O’Reilly’s Guesthouse in Lamington National Park, 65 km south of Brisbane. The same sampling methods are employed at both plots, at intervals of 1-6 years. Project funding: The National Science Foundation was the sole funder of this research between 1963 and 2003. The plots were unfunded from 2003–2011. Between 2012 and 2018 this project was part of, and funded through the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN) a facility within the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) and supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. These data were curated and published with strategic funds from a TERN initiative to publish long term data packages for the book Lindenmayer et al. 2014 Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction.
Connell Rainforest Plot Network: Annual Variation in Flowering and Fruiting in Eight Species, Davies Creek Plot, Dinden National Park, Queensland, Australia, 1995–2003
Alternate Title
Connell Rainforest Plot Network: Annual Variation In Flowering And Fruiting Davies Creek, 1995–2003
Collection Type
Access Privileges
Long Term Ecological Research Network
DOI - Digital Object Identifier
Metadata Language
Data Language
Brief Description
This data package shows annual variation in flowering and fruiting between 1995 and 2003 for eight species of trees. These data were curated and published with strategic funds from a TERN initiative to publish long term data packages for the book Lindenmayer et al. 2014 Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Connell Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
Full Description
Abstract: This data package shows annual variation in flowering and fruiting between 1995 and 2003 for eight species of trees. These demonstrate that there is considerable variation in flowering and fruiting across both species and time. These data are used to produce the graphs found in figures 5.19 on page 142. This plot consists of one 1.7 hectare plot in tropical rainforest, established in 1963. Rainforest tree attributes recorded comprise the size (height or girth) of tagged and mapped, free-standing stems of shrub and tree species. Sampling has been undertaken at intervals of 1-6 years since 1963, and this data package describes longitudinal variation in seedling recruitment over almost four decades. This data package forms part of the collection of vegetation data undertaken at plots situated in both Lamington National Park and Davies Creek initiated by Professor Joseph H. Connell (University of California, Santa Barbara) in 1963. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Connell Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at Sampling method: The Dinden National Park Plot is a 1.7 hectare plot. The plot was selected by Prof. Joseph H. Connell in 1963 on the advice of his CSIRO collaborators Dr Len Webb and Mr Geoff Tracey, and was chosen for three reasons; it was accessible, it was unlogged, and a smaller 0.4 ha plot belonging to the Queensland Department of Forestry had already been established there in 1951. This plot is one of two plots established by Connell in 1963 – the other is in subtropical rainforest near O’Reilly’s Guesthouse in Lamington National Park, 65 km south of Brisbane. The same sampling methods are employed at both plots, at intervals of 1-6 years. Project funding: The National Science Foundation was the sole funder of this research between 1963 and 2003. The plots were unfunded from 2003–2011. Between 2012 and 2018 this project was part of, and funded through the Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN) a facility within the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) and supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. These data were curated and published with strategic funds from a TERN initiative to publish long term data packages for the book Lindenmayer et al. 2014 Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction.
Plot setup
Prof Joseph H. Connell (University of California at Santa Barbara) established a long-term forest dynamics plot in 1963, in tropical rainforest at Davies Creek National Park 25 km south west of Cairns. The plot is 1.7 hectare, and was established over an existing an existing 0.4 ha plot established by the Queensland Department of Forestry in 1951. This plot has never been logged.
Phenology and seasonal seedling recruitment
A phenological study was initiated at Davies Creek in January 1995 in an effort to understand temporal variation in seedling recruitment documented in the long-term censuses. Monthly observations of flowering and fruiting were made on more than 700 stems from 103 species for six years to the end of 2000, and then on a subset of 25 species for an additional three years to December 2003 (including the eight species in this data package). Monthly observations of between four and ten trees per species were made with binoculars from the ground. Flowering and fruiting were scored on a six-point, approximately logarithmic scale, from 0 which indicated no reproductive activity, to 5 indicating massive flowering and/or fruiting. Species flowered and fruited at characteristic times of the year; Cryptocarya corrugata flowers in Dec and matures fruits the following September, Darlingia darlingiana flowers in October and matures fruits the following March, Syzygium endophloium flowers in December and matures fruits the following November, Niemeyera Sp Mt Lewis flowers in January and matures fruits the following November, Cryptocarya angulata flowers in January and fruits in November, Franciscodendron laurifolium flowers in November and fruits the following February, Cardwellia sublimis flowers in November and matures fruits the following October, and Ceratopetalum succirubrum flowers in November and matures fruits the following January.
File Descriptions
definitionIdentifier for which part of the plot the trees occurred in
nominal text definitionCharacter
descriptionData used to generate the graphs in Figure 5.19 on p 142 of the book Lindenmayer et al. 2014 Biodiversity and Environmental Change in wide format
number of records61
definitionSpecies identifier
nominal text definitionCharacter
definitionSpecies scientific name
nominal text definitionCharacter
definitionIdentification number on tree tag
nominal text definitionCharacter
definitionFlower score in 1995
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 1995
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 1996
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 1996
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 1997
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 1997
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 1998
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 1998
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 1999
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 1999
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 2000
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 2000
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 2001
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 2001
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 2002
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 2002
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFlower score in 2003
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score in 2003
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionIdentifier for which part of the plot the trees occurred in
nominal text definitionCharacter
descriptionData used to generate the graphs in Figure 5.19 on p 142 of the book Lindenmayer et al. 2014 Biodiversity and Environmental Change in long format
definitionFlowering score
ordinal enumeration codes
0No flowers visible
1Handful of flowers
2A few flowers
3Some flowers
4Lots of flowers
5Profuse flowering
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
definitionFruiting score
ordinal enumeration codes
0No fruits visible
1Handful of fruits visible
2A few fruits visible
3Some fruits
4Lots of fruits
5Profuse fruiting
DEADTree recorded dead
NANot assessed (NOT a record of zero)
number of records541
definitionSpecies identifier
nominal text definitionCharacter
definitionSpecies scientific name
nominal text definitionCharacter
definitionIdentification number on tree tag
nominal text definitionCharacter
date time formatYYYY
definitionYear of suvey
descriptionSummary table of flowering and fruiting data
number of records32
definitionSpecies identifier
nominal text definitionCharacter
definitionSpecies scientific name
nominal text definitionCharacter
definitionThe statisitic being measured
nominal enumeration codes
MEANMean fruiting or flowering value
NNumber of individuals
SEStandard error (based on sample population)
STDEVSample standard deviation value
definitionValue for 1995 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1995 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1996 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1996 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1997 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1997 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1998 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1998 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1999 flowering measurement
ratio number typenatural
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 1999 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2000 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2000 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2001 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2001 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2002 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2002 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2003 flowering measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
definitionValue for 2003 fruiting measurement
ratio number typereal
ratio standard unitnumber
Contact Email
Contact Address
Department of Ecology, Evolution and Environment La Trobe University Bundoora, Vic., 3086 Australia
Contact Phone Number
+61 3 9479 3675
Contact Fax Number
+61 3 9479 1188
Principal Investigator
Peter Green
Peter Green
Joseph Connell; Peter Juniper; Igor Debski
Fields of Research
0602 - Ecology
GCMD:Earth Science > Biosphere> Ecological Dynamics > Community Dynamics > Plant Succession; LTERN Monitoring Theme:Vegetation structure; LTERN Monitoring Theme:Plant species composition; LTERN Monitoring Theme:Plant species abundance; keyword:Flowering; keyword:Fruiting; keyword:Rainforest; Connell Rainforest; Davies Creek; Annual Variation In Flowering And Fruiting
Type of Research Activity
Strategic basic research
Date Coverage
Geospatial Location
Davies Creek Plot, Dinden National Park, Queensland
northlimit = -17.0316; southlimit = -17.0361; westlimit = 145.622; eastLimit = 145.626
Date of data creation
Year of data publication
Creator(s) for Citation
Publisher for Citation
Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN), ANU Data Commons, The Australian National University
Lindenmayer et al. 2014 Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction, CSIRO
Biodiversity and Environmental Change: Monitoring, Challenges and Direction.
Related Websites
ANU Open Research, Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTERN) collection
Other Related Identifiers
MorphoId:ltern.210; PackageId:610
Access Rights
Prior to publication of research utilising this data - the data provider (Dr Peter Green) requests consultation.
Access Rights Type
Rights held in and over the data
Creative Commons Licence (CC BY- Attribution) is assigned to this data. Details of the licence can be found at
Licence Type
CC-BY - Attribution (Version 4)
LTERN Deed: 37 Date of execution: 2014-01-23
Retention Period
Data Management Plan
Status: Published
Published to:
  • Australian National University
  • Australian National Data Service
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