Results for "relational database"

3 results found

Fordham, B. G., Aze, T., Haller, C., Zehady, A. K., Pearson, P. N., Ogg, J. G., & Wade, B. S. (2018). Future-proofing the Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foraminifera phylogeny of Aze & others (2011). Data repository for published article.  [anudc:5530]
Data repository for published article - Fordham, B. G., Aze, T., Haller, C., Zehady, A. K., Pearson, P. N., Ogg, J. G., & Wade, B. S. (2018) Future-proofing the Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foA...

Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foraminifera phylogeny of Aze & others (2011). Relational database for TimeScale Creator Evolutionary Tree. Corrected Version, July 2018  [anudc:5528]
The TSCEvolTree_Aze&2011_CorrJul2018 database is based upon the phylogeny of Aze & others [1] (the "2011" study/paper/etc.) and comprises two main tables, one for morphospecies, MorphospeciesAze_TableA...

Cenozoic macroperforate planktonic foraminifera phylogeny of Aze & others (2011). TimeScale Creator Evolutionary Tree. Corrected Version, July 2018. Five datapacks for Java software package.  [anudc:5529]
The Timescale Creator platform is an interactive user environment in which the chart, in our case the evolutionary tree [1, see p. 22–25, 88–92], can be refreshed as options are selected (such as straA...

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