Results for "emergency medical services"

3 results found

Paramedic diagnostic processes: An experimental study of dual process theory  [anudc:6056]
Background: Paramedics care for the sick in a variety of settings and diagnose a range of medical conditions but little is known about their diagnostic process. We report two experiments on AustralianA...

Thinking styles of Australasian Paramedics and Paramedicine students  [anudc:6158]
Introduction: Paramedics play important roles in healthcare, yet little is known about their decision-making. There is evidence that thinking style can predict differences in decisions. Method: AustraA...

Experimental study on Fuzzy Trace Theory and paramedic clinical reasoning  [anudc:6156]
Background: Observational studies have found paramedics form rapid intuitive impressions on first meeting a patient and these impressions subsequently affected their clinical reasoning with the most eA...

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