Results for "Camera Trapping"
2 results found
Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network (Fauna): Camera Trapping, Nitmiluk National Park, Northern Territory, Australia, 2015 [anudc:5842]
Nitmiluk National Park contains 46 plots, each with a paired plot located within 1 km of the primary plot. In 2015, 23 paired plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survA...
Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network (Fauna): Camera Trapping, Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory, Australia, 2016 [anudc:5843]
These data are records of all camera trapping observations during the 2016 Litchfield survey. Litchfield National Park contains 40 plots. In 2016, 20 plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate faA...
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